Chase Johnson

Full name: Philip Chase Johnson

Nickname(s): PJ, Chadwick, Snatch, Chaser, Chasie, Penelope

Height: 5’9”

Birth date: 9/26/85

School: Texas A&M University

Boxers or Briefs: Boxers

Bacon bits or croutons: Bacon Bits

Favorite salad dressing: I hate salads

Do you drink? Water? Coke? Wine? Beer? All of the above???

What type of deodorant do you use: That Axe stuff or whatever

Favorite shampoo or conditioner: Whatever mom buys lol, Suave I guess

Do you make fun of people? Well some people I cant help it lol

Favorite color: Blue

Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Errr no, unless playing guitar on a street corner is a crime (darn coppers)

Best friends online/offline: Zach, Joe, Cable, Buddy, Amy
One pillow or two: Dos

Pets: NONE

Favorite movie(s): Lord of the Rings, Gone In 60 Seconds
Favorite types of music: Blues kids, never beat the blues

Hobbies: Play guitar, read, play video games, sit at other people’s houses and eat their food

Dream car: So many to choose from! I guess I’d have to go with 67 Shelby GT 500

Type of car you drive: Camaro

Phrases you overuse: Git er dunn (jk) Head em off at the pass!

Toothpaste: Colgate

Favorite food(s): Los Pericos Chicken enchiladas

Favorite soft drink: Sunkist
Favorite alcoholic drink(s): Coke and Jim Beam

Piercing or tattoos: neither

Most romantic thing that has ever happened to you: haven’t had the best of luck there lol

Do you get along with your parents: yeah well enough
Favorite town to chill in: bfffhahahahaha C-town! No, not really

Favorite ice cream: Blue Bell Vanilla

What's your bedtime? Used to be 9:30, now its whenever lol

Favorite shoes: Sandals or my old man adidas

Favorite perfume/cologne: Dunno

Favorite song(s): I have a lot of favs sry lol
Favorite Movie: The Return of the King
Favorite website: The Cable Guy’s website (this is so a rigged question!)

Favorite subject(s) in school: Mrs. Lilley’s math class

Least favorite subject(s): English

Favorite sport to watch: Basketball

Favorite sport to participate in: Basketball

Most humiliating moment: Ive had too many (What are you NOT doing Ms. Speegle?...)

Craziest person or silliest person you know: Matt Brewington

Most famous person you know or met: Mickey Mouse

Favorite holiday: Christmas

What do you look for in the opposite sex? Personality, and yeah good looks (everyone does cmon!)

Say one nice thing about the person who sent this to you and be sure to send to them: what the? Cable, youre my bro

Best advice ever given to you: Get an education b/c that cant ever be taken away from you

Best advice you have to give: Trust God with all your heart mind and soul

Favorite thing(s) to wear: shorts

Favorite thing(s) to do: nothing

Collections: none

Special skill or talent: play guitar and look stupid

Favorite cartoons: Ninja Turtles, Chip n Dale, Duck Tales

Would you rather be short or tall?: Tall

Favorite Quote(s):
Anything else you would like to mention: